The Intercontinental Church of God (Australia)

The Intercontinental Church of God’s founder was Garner Ted Armstrong. The church teaches the Biblical seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) and the seven annual Holy Days as enumerated in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 28-29 of the Bible and that these weekly and annual Holy Days are to be observed today.

This teaching and the other principle doctrines of the Bible taught by the Intercontinental Church of God are set out in our Statement of Beliefs.

The Intercontinental Church of God (Australia) is affiliated with it’s parent organization, the Intercontinental Church of God, with headquarters in Tyler, Texas. The ICG(Australia) is also affiliated with and in close co-operation with the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association in Australia and the GTAEA headquartered in Tyler, Texas, USA.The beliefs of the Intercontinental Church of God are fleshed out in the expansive Bible lessons found here: ICG Online Bible Course

Our membership is scattered across the states of Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and the Gold Coast, Queensland. This is due to both historical reasons and the fact that the main television outlet for the Garner Ted Armstrong (GTA) TV program, since 2002, was Prime7 with a telecast area that included regional areas of Victoria, New South Wales and the Gold Coast. The telecast ended on Prime7 on Sunday 29 April 2012 after more than 10 years. The GTA program continued to air on several outlets around Australia and had it’s last season ending in April, 2016. There are no plans to air the program further. All available episodes can be viewed on the GTA TV and Video Sermons Page.

Typically there can be great distances between members of the church making regular fellowship difficult. Members and others with a close interest in observing the weekly Sabbath have access to regular weekly Sabbath services via DVD.

We have a regular fellowship group meeting in Sydney area as well as occasional meetings in Bulli, NSW and the Bathurst area of NSW. Our Tasmanian brethren, also scattered from one end of the island to the other, meet on annual Holy Days when they can.

We welcome enquiries regarding attendance at our Sabbath and Holy Day meetings, including the Feast of Tabernacles held at Nelson Bay on Port Stephens, NSW. We also welcome enquiries on the possible formation of new fellowship groups.

We maintain a schedule of several recent ICG HQ, Tyler Texas Sabbath sermons for members and a general audience. We also have on this page Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong’s three part Counselling for BAPTISM series videos. These are a MUST view for those contemplating baptism, and an excellent refresher on what baptism represents and the obligations that attach to one baptised into God’s spiritual Church.

The Feast of Tabernacles is the principal annual event that allows members and co-workers, and all who wish to attend, the opportunity to come together to worship God, to fellowship and to keep God’s commanded Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast in Australia is held in the Port Stephens area of New South Wales and again this year will be held in Nelson Bay. See the Feast information page above for details.

Our scattered local church membership and the members of the parent church, together with the dedicated and voluntary assistance of co-workers, support the work of the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association through the voluntary giving of tithes, offerings and donations.

The Intercontinental Church of God (Australia) Inc. and the affiliated Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association in Australia can be contacted on telephone number 1300 885 066 or at PO Box 232, Sandy Bay, 7006, Tasmania, Australia or by using the email address

If you have questions on any aspect of the observances and/or teachings of ICG (Australia) or the work of GTAEA, or if you have Bible questions we welcome enquiries.

Contact minister, Murray Allatt at or at or phone 1300 885 066.

Current Weekly Sermons

The sermons archive can be found here.

Baptism Counselling

The sermons archive can be found here.


Here are additional affiliated Intercontinental Church of God websites:

Intercontinental Church of God Main Website

Midwest -Area 4 Regional site

Chicago ICG website

Intercontinental Church of God, Tyler Texas Facebook page:

Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association, Tyler Texas Facebook page:

Affiliated with the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association.

Contact Us

PO Box 232
Sandy Bay TAS 7006

Phone (Australia) 1300 885 066
USA call (903) 561 7070. 

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