Mark Armstrong’s Weekly Update and News Review – 7 October 2016

Greetings from Tyler,

The Berlin Wall was breached 27 years ago. This week marks 26 years since the legal reunification of Germany, and an official commemoration was held in Dresden with German government officials in attendance. What was intended to be a grand celebration for Angela Merkel and assorted German and European officials was tainted by a boisterous demonstration just outside the cathedral where the event was held. There were several hundred at least, and they weren’t mincing words about their displeasure with her dictatorial edicts which have flooded Germany and much of the rest of Europe with Muslim “refugees.”

How could eighty percent of the refugees from a war zone be young men? Where are all the women and children, and the elderly? Those would seem to be logical questions, but they’ve gone unanswered. We’ve heard regularly that the whole atmosphere has changed in many European nations, and that the indigenous cultures have been obliterated as people try to go about their business without becoming an unreported statistic in the Muslim crime wave sweeping Europe. The nations of eastern Europe are not amused, and have been building razor wire fences to staunch the flow, while EU officials continue to condemn the very concept of national borders. (It’s only been a couple of weeks since the President of the European commission publicly stated that national borders were the worst invention in all of human history.) Merkel’s popularity has taken a major hit, and her party is losing parliamentary seats with every regional election.

Britain, having opted out of the European Union by popular referendum, is now the subject of disgust and derision from the core members of the EU. It is well documented that the advent of one million Muslim “refugees,” many of whom had their sights set on the UK for settlement, was the most decisive factors in the vote to exit. Britain’s new Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that legal steps to make the divorce official will begin not later than March of 2017, and that news has set off a flurry of recriminations. Since Britain will not be accepting EU quotas of Muslim refugees, France, Spain and Germany are suggesting that they may deport British citizens who work and reside in their countries. Spain is suggesting that it will annex Gibraltar in retaliation for the British exit.

Clearly, EU leaders believe they should speak, and set policy, for all the western world. There’s no question that current leadership in the United States, from the White House to the Department of State and several of the alphabet agencies agree. The future direction of the United States remains to be seen, but not for long. So far, it is only a smattering of the poor nations of eastern Europe and Britain who have not gone along, and they are being treated with utter contempt by the EU. With the pope working constantly to bring all nations and all religions into general agreement, it is not that much of a stretch to see how a one-world philosophy could take hold. There will be upheaval involved, but a globalist approach is emerging in Europe and it has gained traction across the western nations. Britain seems to have opted out of European rule, but still holds much the same philosophy.

Maybe it’s too soon to relax, but it looks as though the predictions of death and devastation by hurricane may have been a bit premature. When it became clear that the east coast of Florida was in line to be raked, if not plastered by the first major hurricane to threaten landfall there in ages, we knew there would be prayers going up by the millions. There is no doubt that a great many of those who were ordered to evacuate their homes on relatively short notice were very concerned that they might lose everything. The over-wrought predictions by some “reporters” and forecasters led us all to expect something far more devastating than what has actually transpired.

Looking at some of the scenes from Haiti, where the hurricane swept across the island killing hundreds, certainly made it look like the southeast coast would be in for a major disaster. But it seems that the news media may have hyped these concerns out of all proportion to reality. Haiti is largely without the kind of sturdy construction that can protect people from a storm of such magnitude. Much of the flimsy make-shift housing was likely reduced to flying debris and contributed to the mounting death toll, currently reported at nearly 300.

There’s no question that some of the reporters went way over the top with their scary rhetoric this time. Fox News’ Shepard Smith has been widely lampooned for his comments to the effect that, should the storm turn 20 miles to the west, “…you and everybody you know will be dead.” And he went on from there. There is this lingering suspicion that the situation may have been exploited for the sake of ratings, and it makes you wonder whether anyone will listen the next time authorities believe widespread evacuation is warranted. Then again, a lot of prayers may have been answered.

Our nation and our way of life is under ominous threats from more directions than we care to contemplate all at once. You can see the gathering threat from within, and read plenty about everything from the onslaught of illegals, to the economic bubble, from Russia’s provocations to Iran and North Korea’s development of nuclear missiles. The prayers of an entire nation need to go up with the same urgency and immediacy with which we reacted to the dire reports of the approaching hurricane. The storm may not have been quite as bad as reports indicated, but any one of the other threats routinely downplayed by the media will be far worse. May God protect you and yours whatever the immediate future holds.

The next regular update will be after the Feast of Tabernacles which begins October 17th. If you’ve not already made plans, feel free to give our office a call for last minute information. We’ll look forward to seeing you at one of the six locations we have around the United States.


Mark Armstrong