Mark Armstrong’s Weekly Update and News Review – 20 October 2017

Greetings from Tyler,

Thanks to all who contributed to making the 2017 Feast of Tabernacles a joyous occasion from coast to coast.  Our site in Panama City Beach dodged a hurricane that might have ruined everything, but came to shore well to the west as a weakened storm, only bringing rain and some wind gusts to our site.  There was an enthusiastic, optimistic spirit of brotherhood at each of the Feast locations this year, and we owe a debt of gratitude to each of the Feast coordinators and their assistants who worked to provide a wonderful environment and rich, interesting messages throughout.

The last day of the Feast (preceding the Last Great Day) at Lake Tahoe, we emerged from the morning service to see that the entire basin had filled with smoke.  As everyone knows, there were multiple fires burning across the dry and mountainous terrain all over Northern California.  The smoke that inundated Lake Tahoe that afternoon came from two fires nearer by, and not the horrific blazes that destroyed whole neighborhoods and took 40 some lives in Sonoma County.  It was some of the worst devastation imaginable, and there are hundreds of heartbreaking stories from people who have lost everything, including loved ones in some cases.

Did California really, “Set itself on Fire”?  That’s what one headline (out of the mainstream, found at the reads, the story indicating that an illegal alien living under a bridge in Sonoma is the chief suspect in at least some of the fires that caused more than a billion dollars in damages and killed at least forty people.

Contrast that with the headline in the LA Times, “Sonoma homeless man accused of arson, but no link so far to massive wine country wildfires.”  It tells of the diminutive “homeless man” zipping around on a small bicycle, occasionally lighting brushfires, and caught by police after lighting a fire Sunday along a creek at a park.  But the Sonoma County Sheriff is on the job, tamping down speculation that the “homeless man” had anything to do with the raging fires that have destroyed so many lives in his district.

The “homeless man” is a twice deported illegal alien, who has been released on his own recognizance repeatedly (five arrests in the past year alone) despite an ICE detainer which would have meant his deportation, were California and Sonoma County not committed to sanctuary policies.  You don’t suppose there would be any legal liability connected to his repeated release in the event that he is proven responsible for the blazes that destroyed the lives of so many citizens?

Likely, the mainstream media will turn a blind eye, if it’s remotely possible, and never report a story so damaging to its beloved diversity dogma.  There are a series of bombshells that the dominant media is straddling, many of which would blow the news narrative of the past year sky high, along with the reputations of the organizations themselves and their ever-so-diverse anchors and reporters.  Not only that, but key players in the former administration will be implicated, assuming there is anything left of truth or justice in America’s most respected institutions.

Sorting the truth from fiction has become a full time job for anyone who tries to understand what on earth is going on.  We all know, from recent years of painful experience, that much of what passes for news is not.  The truth, meanwhile, if it should damage any of the heroes of politically correct dogma, is not even known to those who purport to be “America’s most trusted source…”

We’ll have to wait and see if the awful truth will ever be acknowledged by those who purport to report it, for now.  Hopefully, it will become widely known in spite of every conceivable effort to deflect, falsely accuse and endlessly speculate.  We know that everything hidden will eventually be brought to light, but wouldn’t it be nice if the mainstream media got run over by the very stories they refused to acknowledge?

This is a time fraught with dangers ranging from international rogue regimes like North Korea and Iran, fielding ICBM’s and working to perfect nuclear weapons; to terrorists that have been planted throughout the western world and pose a continuous threat.  But one of the greatest dangers, and perhaps the one that is tearing at the fabric of the United States and other western countries, is the deception to which the news media is wholly committed.  It may well be another sign of the times in which we are living.

Mark Armstrong


Wondering what this “Feast of Tabernacles” is all about? Check out the booklet, “How Seasonal Holy Days Reveal God’s Plan” (of salvation), plus the booklet, “Way God Commands Our Presence at His Feast“.