Mark Armstrong’s Weekly Update and News Review – 19 January 2018

Greetings from Tyler,

Before wrapping the “crises” that we’ve come to expect on a daily basis, you’ve got to see this.  The socialist, pro-gay, pro-Muslim and abundantly humble pontiff just bestowed the Vatican’s highest honor upon an abortion on-demand activist.  If you thought the pope was only in control of destiny in the afterlife, and of course the authority to re-organize Purgatory and Heaven at his discretion, you may not have heard of “Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great.”  No, I didn’t make this up.  Apparently it’s the highest “honor” (this side of Heaven) the Vatican can bestow.

The pope saw fit to give it to a Dutch politician, Lillian Ploumen, who actually received a medal direct from Rome. (See news report here:  – note that a search of the internet shows a number of Catholic and other news sites questioning whether the Pope knew of her abortion credentials – obvious back-pedalling.) As reported in the linked article Ms. Ploumen herself  said on Dutch radio she views the honor as a sign of the pope’s progressivism, as well as acknowledgement for her work in supporting abortion rights.)

She’s not only a Dutch politician, she’s also the founder of She Decides, an organisation that raises money for facilities that provide abortion internationally.  In case you hadn’t noticed, abortion seemed to be the last moral principal the Vatican could stand on.  This pope got busy defending homosexuality early on.  There used to be some strict bother about divorce and communion, but with gay orgies among the priests in Vatican City, that probably died a quiet death.  This “Francis” guy let the world know he was partial to socialism right off the bat.  So, other than traipsing around in scarlet robes, mumbling Latin and waving crosses around, what’s left of what the world regards as the seat of Christianity?

You’d think there would be an outcry heard ’round the world over this betrayal of the sanctity of life.  It was the only “Christian morality” play the Vatican still had in place.  But now that’s gone, and it’s not even close to being big news.  So it might be no surprise that there’s nothing in the way of a reaction, when it seems that it would have been a huge deal bringing the pope’s very belief in Christianity into question.

Most have concluded that there will be a “government shutdown” at midnight tonight.  It seems that the plight of illegal aliens (aka “dreamers” or DACA) is so important that “non-essential” services will not be funded unless illegals are given amnesty, citizenship and of course the right to bring in multiple family members from whichever third world… ah, paradise they came from.

The whole “bi-partisan” cooperation thing blew up when Senator Durbin ran to the microphones to report the president used a bad, incendiary, RACIST term to describe the places of origin for the vast majority of U. S. immigrants.  Initial assumptions were that the President probably uttered the term he was accused of using, after he realised the proposal he’d been presented was not even close to something he could support.  But, given the source of the accusation and the testimony of others who were sitting right there, he may not have even used the term.

The media went wall to wall with manufactured emotion.  Several saw fit to shout angrily, some cried, nearly all agreed that Trump is an evil racist who let his guard down to show his true colors.  They spent a week bringing on “experts” to react to something that may have been said in a meeting where, according to witnesses, a lot of colourful language was exchanged.  The media broke into a free-for-all of repeating the “bad word,” saying it over and over again gratuitously. One network (you’ll never guess) reportedly used it 165 times in just a few days, and may still be uttering it today.  Surely that ought to be the end of the Presidency they said could never exist in the first place!

Now, that “mean, climate-denier, white-supremacist, RACIST, bigot, homophobe” looks ready to stand by and allow the government to be “shut down” rather than “help the dreamers.”  Maybe that will do it, they hope.  Their polls show that a majority want the “dreamers” given every imaginable benefit, including a “pathway to citizenship.”  How dare the President stand against what the media (or university think tank) polls say is the “will of the people?”  They apparently haven’t noticed how foolish they’ve looked counting on their polls to make predictions.  Every time one is publicized, you have to wonder how the question was worded, and to whom was it asked?

It is undeniably apparent that American demographics have been dramatically altered in recent years.  Regardless of your sentiments, the transformation has happened and the proof is everywhere you go.  The only remaining question is whether the obvious influx will be the deciding factor in our future leadership and governance.  It’s already happened in California.  Look who steps to the microphones to warn employers and local law enforcement of prosecution if they dare cooperate with immigration agents.  Citizens, carrying the financial weight of all the health-care, education and welfare no longer have a voice.  They’ve been outnumbered, or as some say, replaced.  Many wealthy and middle class families are fleeing to other states with lower taxes and fewer illegals.”

We’re left wondering whether the entire nation goes the way of California, again.  Some in positions of national representation refuse to approve a budget unless they get their way.  That means amnesty, citizenship, and the ability to bring the whole extended family.  Otherwise, they claim the Trump administration will have a major failure on its hands, and non-essential operations will cease at midnight tonight.  Who knows, somebody might blink and we could face this “crisis” again a month from now.  But it probably won’t be President Trump, who’d betray the central theme of his campaign and presidency if he did.

Just to review, two weeks ago the world trembled on the precipice of nuclear war from “reckless tweets,”  and the media was very afraid.  Then they realised that he couldn’t think straight, didn’t recognize aides and babbled senselessly off-point.  It was dementia, maybe early Alzheimers!  Then he showed what a rotten RACIST he was by insulting whole countries and continents.  All the while, they’ve known that he was guilty of COLLUSION with “the Russians,” not to mention abuse of power and obstruction of justice, and the special counsel would breach his “inner circle” at any moment.

The mainstream outlets are pretending they know nothing of the bomb that’s about to blow their life’s work to smithereens.  The question now is, how much crow can they stomach?  It’s impossible to know how the mainstream news outlets  and social media giants will try to spin what’s about to hit them.  They pretend they, the arbiters of all public information, still don’t know what we’ve known for ages, but the pretense continues.  There are probably heated back room strategy sessions as to how in the world they’re going to handle the TRUTH should it rear its ugly head.  They’ll have to act like they had no idea.  It will have to be the biggest, most unwelcome surprise ever, and they’ll be forced to apologize endlessly or simply exit the studios.  It’s hard to imagine how that will go.

Networks may collapse.  Seriously, suicides wouldn’t be too big a surprise.  Flight to nations without extradition is a possibility for some involved.  Reputations if not lives will be destroyed.  And President Trump will have had nothing to do with it.  The FAKE NEWS, FAKE INVESTIGATION, phony law enforcement bosses are going to be exposed for all to see, perhaps between now and next week’s Update.  They (we’ll have to wait to find who all) conspired to prevent Trump’s election, and kept the “insurance policy” in force to find something, anything, for which he could be impeached.

They destroyed the credibility and reputation of the most formidable, powerful law enforcement agencies on earth and used them like “secret police agencies” to spy, wiretap, and we’ll see what else, to bamboozle the public and jerk the presidency around.

Those who’ve seen the (still classified) evidence of the real “collusion plot” to prevent Trump’s election, then to cripple his administration with dark suspicion and speculation, say we don’t know the half of it.  It’s more extensive than we could have imagined.  They’re saying we’ll be blown away when the evidence goes public.  If we’ll be blown away, imagine the poor, poor anchors and experts who’ll have to face the cameras after a year and a half of calling Trump a criminal and his supporters a bunch of idiots.  What will happen to the squints, the sneers, the pouts, the mocking laughter, the haughty glances?

Is it possible that millions of prayers have been heard, and this is the reply?  Or are the principles that God put in motion simply working relentlessly in the background to save, or at least prolong the blessings that we’d taken for granted for too long?  It seems like the Proverbs have come to life, to the benefit of the innocent and great dismay of the wicked!  If you find that explanation to dramatic, stay tuned.   And have a very happy and thankful Sabbath!

Mark Armstrong

While we are on the subject of Catholic doctrine, re the pope’s honouring an abortion advocate, here is a GTA TV program asking the question “Was Christ Really Dead In the Tomb”. Christ said He was (Revelation 2:8). But there is both Catholic and Protestant doctrine says He was not dead, but off speaking to “spirits in hell”. It’s a fascinating GTA program – watch it here: “WAS CHRIST REALLY DEAD IN THE TOMB?”

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