Mark Armstrong’s Weekly News Review – Friday, 31 August 2018

 Greetings from Tyler,

            For a week now we’ve witnessed the deification of departed Senator John McCain.  The mainstream media has fallen all over themselves in praise and glorification.  Odd, they weren’t feeling so magnanimous toward him when he ran for president against Barack Obama.  He certainly wasn’t depicted as the saint they’ve presented upon his death. 

            No, he was the candidate who “surrounded himself with ideological and political extremists.”  He was the warmonger who would commit America to endless war in Iraq and probably attack Iran.  His presidential campaign, in fact his whole career was “riddled with lobbyists and special interests.”  He sided with supporters, “who believe Islam is evil and gays are immoral.”  He would pack the Supreme Court “with extreme conservatives” to see abortion banned.  He had a notoriously volatile temper, and had frightened members of his own party. 

            That was 2008, when Senator McCain was running for president with the lovely and outspoken Sarah Palin, who he later snubbed repeatedly.  But on this week-long occasion of ceremonial speeches he’s a saint who was less than perfect.  Certainly everyone must respect his military service, the injuries he sustained and the brutality  he suffered at the hands of the North Vietnamese.  But where he really earned his stripes in the eyes of the mainstream media was his bitterly “Never-Trump” posture and the recent actions he took in resistance to the Trump administration.  One of his last votes in the Senate was to stop the abolition of Obamacare, when his was the deciding vote.  But he really propelled himself into the stratosphere of sainthood when he dis-invited the President from attendance at his funeral.  Talk about mainstream rehabilitation! 

            Maybe you’ve seen the tone of the week-long coverage and some of the headlines, but just in case… From the New York Times, How McCain Got the Last Word Against Trump;, John McCain funeral was ‘unmistakable rebuke’ to Donald Trump;Business Insider, DC is going all-out for John McCain’s funeral, but Trump’s not invited;, Trump BANNED in final SNUB;

NBC news, McCain doesn’t want Trump at funeral;CNN, McCain didn’t want Trump…Fox News, Sarah Palin not invited to McCain funeral; The Hill, Trump won’t attend McCain’s funeral, (and a personal favorite), Trump sits alone sulking as Washington pays respects… 

            Having witnessed one of the more rousing rally appearances ever last night (Evansville,IN),

Trump wasn’t sitting alone and he was anything but “sulking.” But we’ve become mighty accustomed to the relentless spin (and worse) from the mainstream media. It seems all the practice they’ve put in is actually hurting their effectiveness.  In their desperate campaign to see President Trump charged with a crime or impeached and removed, they’ve employed the sloppiest of tactics. They’ve used anonymous sources by the score, and it seems likely that one day (if not soon) we will learn that their secret sources are often household names.  In some cases, they were the same individuals being used as on air intelligence experts. 

            CNN really bit one off with the farcical tale of Clinton hack Lanny Davis, now representing the (“Trump fixer”) beleaguered Michael Cohen.  Now they’ve become the story, and look to be stubbornly clinging to an impossible position. But hey,  it’s CNN, the least trusted name in news.  We can’t begin to deal with all the twists and turns of the media-wide mission to “dump Trump.”  Let’s just say that everything that looked to be evident last year is being borne out through documentation, revealed communications and testimony. What will be most entertaining, if and when the time finally comes, will be watching the mainstream admit the hoax they’ve been salivating over, force-feeding whatever audience remains with their “Russian-collusion” fantasy about the Trump campaign.  Here’s hoping we all live long enough to see it happen.

            There’s been another “incident” in Europe’s immigrant disaster.  A couple of Middle Easterners (Syrian and Iraqi) were hassling German girls in the city of Chemnitz in southern Germany recently when three German young men happened along.  They intervened to tell the “migrants” to leave the girls alone, and were attacked by the immigrants wielding knives.  Two of the German men were slashed and injured, one was killed having been stabbed to death.  But that’s not the story, in fact it was probably never to have been reported at all. 

            The story is that someone leakedthe information, including the arrest warrant identifying the “migrants.” That’s just not supposed to happen anywhere in Europe, but particularly not in Germany.  So they’ve had demonstrations in Chemnitz every day for a week, which has seriously upset Angela Merkel and the European media. The most grievous crime committed apparently wasn’t the murder of a young German man at the hands of Middle Eastern “migrants,”  as you’ll see if you search the subject.  The real crime was leaking information regarding the circumstances of the murder. And authorities are all over it. They’ve got to find out who was responsible for letting the information out.

            According to reports the protesters numbering close to ten thousand people have clogged the streets of Chemnitz every day this week. They are “Nazis” according to the press, and some have been arrested for having given the “Nazi salute.”  Funny thing is the Nazi’s were allied with the Muslims during WWII, both having a visceral hatred of Jews.  That aspect of history is readily available.  Now however, anyone worrying about the immigrant crisis in Europe is automatically labeled a hate filled Nazi.  Sound familiar?

            With the Catholic church mired in a scandal of monumental proportions, now rising to include the pope himself in having supported and hidden out abusive (in the worst sense of the word) priests; Europe in the middle of a Muslim immigration crisis of its own making, and the press trying its level best to manage (withhold) information to the masses, something is going to give.  Bible prophecy indicates that major changes are coming in Europe and to the Middle East, and when they do it will be no secret. 


Mark Armstrong