Mark Armstrong’s Weekly News Review – 8 October 20201

Greetings from Tyler,

If there’s been any glimmer of anything positive its been mothers and fathers unleashing their outrage at masked and otherwise distracted school boards.  There have been some epic fits thrown as parents attempt to inform school officials that they’re not sending their kids for racial indoctrination.  They don’t intend to have to argue the merits of freedom with their own children, smug in the haughty attitude of classroom professor.  Parents are not sending kids to school to learn to hate America or complain about the lack of fairness in society.

When the Attorney General of the United States wrote an inter-agency letter suggesting that these angry parents are in fact “domestic terrorists” who have opened themselves up to surveillance and federal investigation, it was a shock.  Did they figure nobody would find out that the author’s family was supplying schools with a teaching format that includes critical race theory?  He’s going to send the nation’s top investigatory agency after concerned parents, and he’s got family interests in distributing the “educational” material that’s driving parents mad?  The fake news better figure out an angle on this one pretty quick, because it’s everywhere.

A video recently surfaced and has made its way around outlets other than the mainstream.  Our favourite kindly doctor leading a panel of medical experts complaining that the flu just wasn’t frightening the public sufficiently to make them scramble to a vaccine provider.  Thousands with life-threatening conditions succumb to the flu every year.  Not last year of course.  Everything was Covid 19, no matter what.  The flu virtually disappeared.

The name that was chosen for the manufactured malady was scary enough to bring seasoned reporters to near tears.  Dudes that “marry” other dudes are shamelessly spouting health advice on national networks.  They’re calling for the “shaming” of the unvaccinated, amid warnings that a normal life of travel, restaurant patronage or attendance of public events will not be possible without papers proving your compliance.  We know they’re proud, though we’re not sure why.

News reporters have been undone about bullying forever.  Everybody gets a free pass on being a weirdo because bullying is the worst thing imaginable.  Suddenly people are flaunting how sinfully strange they are and it’s in your face, America.  Who’s bullying now?  It’s as if the mainstream liars are now the designated bullies and are they ever basking in the glory!  Oh, but this is righteous advice.  You don’t want them to put you on a ventilator, right?  People refusing the universally recommended vaccine are prime candidates.

So, everybody is getting the virus, and it’s no fun at all.  Some people have tragically died.  Most are recovering without too much grief. There’s some confusion about how the massive spread occurred simultaneously with so many getting the vaccine.  Let’s just say it’s a question nobody dares ask in public.  Nevertheless, the urgent demand that everybody get vaccinated is ongoing.  That despite the many “breakthrough” situations, where people get the vaccination and the virus.  Apparently having had the virus and recovered is no excuse.  You’ll get in line, or else cease to live in freedom.

There are so many examples of insanity delivered in sing-song it’s depressing.  The Presidency is undoubtedly a lonely job.  But watching this guy squint at his teleprompter, reading words somebody else wrote and struggling to keep up, is excruciating.  They cleaned up under the bridge in Del Rio, but you don’t want to know how.  Another vast “caravan” is headed north.  No doubt the border patrol is in for another public thrashing.

Rebellion is generally not a good trait.  But where do we draw the line?  What else will they demand?  We’re already treated to an endless flow of non-sense that nobody dares denounce, lest they be “cancelled.”  Who’d have thought we’d see them use a manufactured disease to herd us around?

The Blessings of Freedom are rapidly being replaced by mandates, taken up voluntarily by the private sector.  That’s the rub.  The way the state, the corporations and the media are behaving, it’s tantamount to a dry run for, “no man might buy or sell…”

Mark Armstrong